The Economics of Abuse Report: A Study of Napa County

The Economics of Abuse Report:
A Study of Napa County

Child abuse and neglect has a profound impact on our community. It impacts not only the child, but the family, the community and society at large. While we cannot measure the emotional and moral impact that child maltreatment has, we are able to examine how it impacts our economy. Safe & Sound, a partner organization of Cope, worked with Berkeley Haas School of Business to compile the data to demonstrate the long-lasting economic impacts of child abuse.

We all have a role to play in protecting children. Whether you’re a parent, family member, neighbor, friend or a community member, there is always something you can do to help keep children safe. The first step to help raise awareness about the impacts of child abuse and engage others in preventing it. Read and share this report with your networks to spread the word!