Cope's Client Holiday Party

cope’s client holiday party

With the help of our supporters, Cope was able to host a festive and intimate holiday party for our families in December, making the month extra special for the parents and kids in our programs!

Families joined our home visitors and parent educators at Cope to enjoy hot chocolate, cookies, and other treats around the brightly lit trees. Each child was able to pick out a book and a goody bag to bring home, adding to the feeling of warmth and abundance of the season. Parents also had the opportunity to share a positive parenting achievement by creating an ornament to hang on the communal tree.

Family gatherings like this give parents an additional opportunity to bond with their children through creativity, fun activities, and special treats. The positive parenting ornaments allowed parents to reflect on their achievements during their program and express well-deserved pride in their hard work.

The photos above are a couple of snapshots of the fun!