Halloween Safety Tips

Halloween Safety Tips

Halloween is just around the corner! The Halloween season is an exciting time when your child gets to dress up, eat candy, and watch their favorite spooky movies. To ensure your child has as much fun as possible, find some important safety tips below.

  1. Carry glow sticks and flashlights; wear bright, reflective costumes; and use reflective tape on costumes and bags so that drivers can easily see your child.

  2. Remind your child to cross at street corners, use crosswalks, and follow traffic signals.

  3. Remind your child to be aware of their surroundings and to avoid using electronic devices like a cellphone when crossing the street.

  4. Ensure your child’s costume fits properly and isn’t too long to prevent trips and falls.

  5. When possible, choose makeup and hats over costume masks that can obscure your child’s vision.

  6. Inspect your child’s candy at home before digging in. Check for signs of tears, tampering, and an unusual appearance like discoloration. Discard anything that looks suspicious. If you have a small child, remove choke hazards like gum, peanuts, and hard candies.

  7. If you have a small child, try decorating pumpkins with paint or markers rather than carving.

  8. When trick-or-treating, choose well-lit neighborhoods and only approach homes with porch-lights on.

Have a safe and fun Halloween!