Cope Resources for Providers and Partner Agencies

Below you will information, flyers and links for Cope’s current or most recent offering of parenting classes, support groups and other resources. This is a centralized page where partner agencies and other providers in the community can come to quickly access this information and download flyers to share it with their clients and make referrals as needed. All services are free of charge and most are offered in English and Spanish.

Please note Cope’s services are only available to residents of Napa County.

If you have any questions about our services or referral process, please contact us at 707.252.1123 or

Last Updated 4/17/2024

Click the image to view and download our digitally fillable referral form.

Cope referral form

When providers and partner agencies refer clients to us we ask that you use this referral form to provide background information about the parent, child and/or family. Once a referral is received, we will reach out to the client to engage them in the suggested program. The provider who made the referral will also be notified that we received the referral and are following up with the client.

If you have any questions about the form or referral process, please contact us at 707.252.1123 or email us at

Parenting Classes

Cope’s Triple P parenting classes are for parents or caregivers of children ages 2 years and above. Triple P gives parents simple and practical strategies to help them build strong and healthy relationships, confidently manage their children’s behavior and prevent problems from developing. All classes are free and most are offered in English and Spanish. One-time and multi-week classes are available.

If you have any questions about our classes or referral process, please contact us at 707.252.1123 or

  • Seminars

A “light touch” parenting information presentation to parents who are generally coping well but have one or two concerns. Each sessions is around 90 minutes and is designed to be a brief introduction to the Triple P strategies.

For Parents of Teens & Tweens:

  • Raising Responsible Teenagers

  • Raising Competent Teenagers

  • Getting Teenagers Connected

For Parents of Children 2-12:

  • The Power of Positive Parenting

  • Raising Confident, Competent Children

  • Raising Resilient Children

  • Single-Topic Discussion Groups

The Triple P Discussion Group Series includes parent discussion groups on commonly encountered problems such as disobedience, fighting and aggression, and managing situations such as shopping with children and bedtime. The discussion groups are designed to provide an overview of the positive parenting principles for any interested parent.

  • Multi-Week Intensive Support

Group Triple P is a broad-based parenting intervention delivered over eight weeks. Parents actively participate in a range of exercises to learn about the causes of child behavior problems, setting specific goals, and using strategies to promote child development, manage misbehavior, and plan for high-risk situations.

For Parents of Children 2-12:

For Parents of Teens & Tweens:

  • Separation & Divorce (Family Transitions)

Family Transitions Triple P is designed for parents who are experiencing personal distress from separation or divorce, which is impacting on or complicating their parenting. It focuses on skills to resolve conflicts with former partners and how to cope positively with stress.

This class is currently full. Please call (707)252-1123 for more information.

Parents as Teachers Home Visiting Program

Parents as Teachers Home Visiting provides personal visits customized for the needs of each family. Parents may enroll during pregnancy or until their child is three years old. Families work one-on-one with their highly-trained home visitor until the child enters Kindergarten. The program is free and available in English and Spanish.

Please contact us at 707.252.1123 or to find out if space is currently available or make a referral to add client to waiting list.

General Posters

These posters are perfect for posting in the lobby or window of your office, clinic or reception area. There are 3 different versions in English and Spanish to best fit your audience. Please download, print and post these posters to help remind parents that support is available to help them through their parenting struggles.