April 2023 Proclaimed Child Abuse Prevention Month in Napa County

april 2023 proclaimed child abuse prevention month in napa county

Napa, CA – Cope Family Center and the Napa County Child Abuse Prevention Council (CAPC) announced that April 2023 has been proclaimed Child Abuse Prevention Month by the Napa County Board of Supervisors. The proclamation highlights the role the community plays in supporting Napa County families and preventing child abuse and neglect.

“The economic challenges and disasters that have impacted Napa County in recent years have disproportionately impacted our most marginalized families. This proclamation emphasizes the role the community plays in supporting vulnerable families so that all children are safe, healthy, and thriving,” said Michele Grupe, CAPC Co-Chair and Cope Executive Director. “Despite their best intentions, the stress of these additional challenges can result in otherwise well-intentioned parents causing their children harm or neglecting their needs.”

The good news is that we can all help keep children safe. “By supporting parents and caregivers through crises and minimizing risk factors such as poverty, domestic violence, racial inequity, and mental health issues, we can help prevent child abuse and neglect,” said Colleen Masi, Program Director at Cope. “Research shows that child abuse and neglect can result in long-term mental and physical consequences for victims, so prevention is vital in raising children who thrive.”

Protective factors are attributes, behaviors, and conditions in individuals, families, and communities that promote the health and well-being of children and families. They include things like building parental resilience; providing concrete support such as housing, food, and medical care; fostering social connections; and cultivating knowledge of parenting and child development.

“The network of CAPC members work together using an approach that emphasizes protective factors; parents are connected with resources and support that emphasize their strengths while also identifying areas where they need assistance, thereby reducing the chances of child abuse and neglect,” explained Grupe. “By recognizing and building on existing strengths within families and our community, we can support all families in providing a healthy, safe, and loving environment for their children.”

To read the full report, click here.


Cope Family Center is a Family Resource Center in downtown Napa that empowers parents, nurtures children, and strengthens communities. They provide parents with the education, resources, and support they need to raise children who thrive. Programs include parent education and support services such as home visiting and parenting classes, as well as drop-in services such as crisis support, emergency assistance, and resource referrals. They also work to build a stronger community for families through community building and civic engagement. For more information, visit www.copefamilycenter.org.



Led by Cope Family Center and comprised of representatives from other nonprofit organizations, the faith-based community, law enforcement and government agencies, CAPC advocates for public policy that impacts children’s safety and healthy development and oversees awareness campaigns to engage the community in prevention efforts.