Tips for Managing Holiday Stress

Tips for Managing Holiday Stress

The holiday season can be a joyful and exciting time of year, but it can also be a source of stress, especially if you are attempting to achieve a vision of the "perfect" winter holiday. Travel plans, family gatherings, gift shopping, and the pressure to create a magical holiday experience for your child can lead to feelings of overwhelm and detract from the joy and gratitude of the season.

Thankfully, there are ways to minimize stress during the chaos of the holiday season. Read below for some tips to help you manage the overwhelm.

  1. Set realistic expectations. Putting too much pressure on yourself and your family to have the “perfect” holiday will lead you to feel overwhelmed and disappointed when the holidays don’t live up to your expectations. Instead, try to focus on enjoying quality time spent with loved ones. The holidays don’t need to be “perfect” for you and your family to create special memories.

  2. Learn to say “no.” Overcommitting to holiday plans and responsibilities will inevitably lead to unnecessary stress. Prioritize experiences that are meaningful to you and your family, and learn to say no to the rest.

  3. Reach out for help. Surround yourself with family and friends who are safe, supportive, and can help you get through difficult times this holiday season.

  4. Prioritize quality time over gifts. The holidays can be a time of increased financial pressure. Remember that spending time with loved ones and creating special memories is more important than spending a lot of money on fancy gifts.